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A Realistic Vegan What I Eat in a Day (Cheap & Delicious)

Thank you so much to Complement for sponsoring today’s video! Click my links below to get 15% off Complement Essential and …
I love how pink your first outfit was – it's SUCH a vibe! Also, so happy for your new "chapter" even if it doesn't turn out into anything longterm – so nice to just see you more optimistic!
I’ve been on hinge on and off for about a year now and recently decided to commit to either finding someone if I happen to or just meeting people and seeing who I like. That was in late December and I matched with this one guy who took me out on a date in the beginning of January, long story short we have been inseparable ever since and we get along so well. One of my best friends also met her partner on hinge a year ago! You got this candice, you have the right attitude going into the app and I just know it’ll end up positively for you whether you find someone on it or just gain more confidence because of it. You deserve love!
Mango lasssi yuummmm
thank you Candice i eat meat but i want to add vegetables to my diet i love your recipes i think you are amazing and you are worthy i love your videos they help me out i have schizophrenia i it good to eat a healthy diet i wish you could Cook for me and my father my dad has cerrossis of the liver i love you Candice you are worthy you have beautiful eyes thank you Candice hope you are doing well.
You have a quote in german on your left(?) arm. Nice. . but i couldn't read it. What does it say an where is it from ? Just curious bc my motherlanguage is german and I'm happy to see that.
Going on dates with men just to get free meals, even as a joke kinda rubbed me the wrong way…
I did not choose the eternally single Hikikomori life, it chose me, lol; cheers on “getting back out there” 👏🏻🥂
honestly before I found my person I went through that phase too and I did make a lot of really close friends you'll find someone who aligns with you when you're least expecting it. I hated people for the longest time and honestly am still a home body even now. I would totally go get drinks with you , I've watched you for years and honestly love how authentic and real you show up. I find a lot of influencers lose their self in their job and your energy is worth being held by someone other than your self. SO IF you are having a good time just being casual fuck it you know? live life see where it goes make friends have fun. Thank you for always being you <3
I really loved the vibe of this video! Please make some more in the same style 🥰
What LED mask is that? Are you happy with it?
Please show us your German tattoo! I've been dying to know what it says😊
Imma eat a cow now
You make me want to get bangs !! So pretty.
Scared of men? You shouldn't be…actually I can't blame you and I am a man.
Your skin care segment at the end makes me glad I'm a man. I guess men can do all this as well though.
I enjoy your videos, you make food fun and tasty.
You make everything look so easy to prepare 🙂 Does the red light mask help?
The all black vitamins are a vibe
That food looked delicious. I felt the Middle Eastern rice dish. You look 👀 great with the blonde hair and you look 👀 good without makeup. I’m for real!! I didn’t know there wasn’t much sun ☀️ in Canada. Interesting.
As a single girl who also spends a lot of her time with her rescue dogs and is also on Hinge. I appreciate you talking with us about your online dating experiences. Comforting to know I’m not alone!
I eat in front of the TV too!
I clicked real quick ❤😂
Nice lifestyle. Men are not necessary for happiness. Happiness comes from within. Even the most beautiful women, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Louise Brooks never found happiness with men. Brigitte Bardot said, "I gave my youth and beauty to men. Now I'm giving my wisdom and my experience, the better part of me, to animals."
Thank you for the (one-way) catch-up. Take care!
Lawd this woman FINE FINE .
When I make lasagna, I made a normal size lasagna's worth of stuff but make 4 mini lasagnas. 1 for that day and 3 for the freezer. Perfect for my 2 person household❤
You mean to tell me that you met a normal human on a dating app that actually wanted to meet and took you out on a proper date? 😅😂 Post Pandemic and a whole lot of solitude and quality me time and I never want to be tied to anyone again. I just can't give up the inner peace I've acquired. Cat lady for life, unless a literal perfect match is delivered to my doorstep. ❤
Your "past self leaving gifts for future self" message is so needed for everyone to hear. I do this with cake so I as one person can bake a cake, cut it into single servings and have a slice in the future when I want. In the moment, it's also so comforting to make these gifts for your future self.
I'm in the same toronto dating scene boat too. Ended my relationship in september and ended up getting a new pup to fill the gap, 3months later I just got her a little sister so they can grow up together. I feel like I have no desire or energy to deal with a man right now. My doggies are enough (:
Ah, same. I do love living alone with my animals. It's so relaxing and I'm over spending a lot of time on relationships with people too. 😂 My little buddy of 15 years (Pomeranian) passed of old age and I truly felt alone. I was too heart broken to get another dog, so I tried to focus on just me-time. A few months later, a kitten showed up at my apartment door and 5 days later (after searching for more) adopted a kitten for my new kitten so they can have the best childhood. They are my first cats, but the shelter gave me a "how to be a cat mom" printout and I love my girls so very much.
Need the rest of the skincare routine next!
I can already tell this is gonna be a great video. But thats not saying much. Since all your vids are great. 😎