“Budget meals for bae!” Shop the NEW Tasty Merch: https://bzfd.it/shoptastyyoutube Subscribe to Tasty: https://bzfd.it/2ri82Z1 …
I Tried Making A Steak Dinner For Two With Only $14 • Tasty

“Budget meals for bae!” Shop the NEW Tasty Merch: https://bzfd.it/shoptastyyoutube Subscribe to Tasty: https://bzfd.it/2ri82Z1 …
Chef needs his own series.
"Mushrooms for Bae". Dude just nailed it!!
Shaq is that u??
Is this episode before or after the brunch, cause I like the way he replaced pinch with paiya!😂😂😂 he's so funny omw
I got the paiyas at the end, yay!
I’m glad I found this video again. I’ve been looking for some simple and affordable sage night recipes
Idk if anyone noticed but he looks like kwasi from master chef Canada season 2
Love this!
Does anyone know if he has a social media or channel?
"This is gonna be a little tough"
* unintentional pun noises *
He's amazing and they're so cute together 😭
Such a cute couple. This meal was cooked with a boat load of TLC. ❤️ need more videos like this. Please
@4:00 : spoon this mixture
Even the mixture is getting spooned
This guy is such a sweeetie 😭
I actually made the potatoes and they were absolutely delicious!
Where's the series
First time I saw this video, missed it somehow. Only one comment for improvement on this video's recipe – you want to turn that piece of meat into something better, do your own 24 hour dry age/brine with the salt and pepper. Lay that salt on THICK with the pepper, leave it uncovered in the fridge overnight or a full 24 hours, it won't have marinade flavors, but the dry age/brine will pull the water out of there, and condense the meat and make it so good along with the salt and pepper will work their magic on the meat as well.
I want more videos with him
This man needs his own cooking show
Come to the hood, we’ve been doing these budget meals for generations.
Series? He needs his own network lol.
His face at the tumbnail is P.E.R.F.E.C.T.
Please give him a show and Dinner with Bae book deal.
give this man his own series please please please
All her foundation on his shirt after the hug 😄
I like that guy👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿
I think you mean 2 course steak dinner for one.
His voice is so dfskjgktjrskhjskrltj I love him please give him a series
They are so cute 😍
his girlfriend is reeeeaaaaaaally lucky she got a pretty look and a boyfriend that can cook mostly on budget!!!
I love him 😂❤️
Question you said 2-3 mins for the steak than you said 9 mins I’m confused sorry don’t judge me 😊
I'm moving out and broke next week, so Imma need all the cheap recipes I cant get
He definitely needs his own series! Love watching him and love the budget meals!!!
this guy should have his own tasty show 🙂
Yes he totally needs his own series. He’s awesome.
Give him his own series please 🙏
Why isn't this guy in more videos? Bring him back
The way he says" she ain't gonna b mad at me for two weeks after this" ❤️🤣
"we ain't got no money for no marinade, this dollar dish." I- best thing ever
Loved this. I'd love to see him with Rie in videos.