Rie challenges Jasmine, Seth, and Alix to put their own personal spin on plain flatbread, and then sees who creates the winning …
Which Chef Will Spice Up The Best Flatbread For Rie? • Tasty

Rie challenges Jasmine, Seth, and Alix to put their own personal spin on plain flatbread, and then sees who creates the winning …
SETH! I want that RIGHT NOW!! Looks so, so, good… I know all those ingredients so i can totally, visually taste it
It felt sooooooxstrange, when Rie said “spice it up!” Instead of “make it fancy”😅😂🤷♀️
He didn’t even make flatbread he used store bought. I’d be so pissed. 😂😂😂
Rei and Alix Behind the scene please!!!!!!
Is Alix made a different version of Chole Bhature 😅😅😅 !!!!!!!!!
alex with chhole bhature….?
It’s called chapathi or naan in india
Alix i am from trinidad and i love that you had somthing from and if i were ria i will say all of you win dut i will say i love doudles
Didn't Alix just make Chole Bhature ????
Keep the logo up a little longer. It was up for a very short amount of time in the beginning
I have this cooking club in my summer program and I will ask if we can make the winners flat bread
Im from the balkans and we make something close to what alix made we usually mix the bread with minced meat cooked with onions and some spices and top it off with balkan ( feta cheese)
Jasmine:"If i was a spice i would be Sesame Oil, it brings so much flavour"
– 2 seconds later"
Jasmine "Let's add some garlic oil"
is this flatbread not literally just pita
did alix make chole batture-
Lol! Alix just made chole poori!
Alix is just 🌞 sunshine 😍
I can't believe that Alix just made chole bhature.. 😅
Seth seems like an absolute delight.
Another title:
Rie gets free food by her friends
i love me some good bread and pasta
Wasabi and curry…. Why?
Jasmine definitely made a chimichurri sauce i watched master chef and it had all the same ingredients!
Alex that was horrible I can't breathe omg
Me as a Trinidadian watching Alex butcher her doubles lol
First time seeing Seth and I love him
got rekt by store bought flatbread
If I was a spice I would be the everything but the begal spice
Jasmine said she's a plant mom, would love to see what all she has. Hope BuzzFeed makes a video on it 😬
The dish Alix made is actually inspired from an Indian dish called “Chana Bhatura” 😂😂😂
More Seth please?
Lol it looks delicious but I'm still a little perplexed that he won with store bought Flatbread. Not being a hater, I'd still totally smash
my kpop stan ass thought she was gonna say “next LEVEL” at 2:50
As someone from trinidad.. for the first time making doubles.. its not bad.. channa a little to dark but not bad and the bara to thick. Try pinching a piece off and flattening it untill almost see through
Jasmine had me on board with her corn, then I was severely disappointed that she doesn’t like cilantro. Cilantro is not bitter 😂 it’s very fragrant
10:11 laurenzside would say this
What Alex prepared is called choose bhatture
Every desi should know it 🤣🤣??
Anyone else get stoner vibes from seth lol
Yayyyy it was fun !! N I was right. That coconut chicken thigh with flat bread looked scrumptious. Fair play to the others they looked but that combo just won my heart
Alice has prepared a well loved Indian dish – chana bhatura
Alix made chole bature indian dish
Seth brings it to the next level! Love to see more of his recipes!
Keep going
Thats not doubles sorry fam but that aint even close😶
Mac and cheese
As a trini the doubles was a nice first try but I need her to perfect that. She can google many doubles videos and get the hand of it.