Continue the Lunar New Year festivities with must-try dumpling and fish recipes! How are you celebrating the Year of the Pig with …
Celebrate The Lunar New Year With These Recipes • Tasty

Continue the Lunar New Year festivities with must-try dumpling and fish recipes! How are you celebrating the Year of the Pig with …
so cute, we southern Chinese don't get it, learning my rope..
I love the lunar new year and traditional Chinese culture! God bless the people living there currently…
there’s been a move to call this day Lunar New Year (though in the spirit of scientific accuracy, it should be called Lunisolar New Year as the Chinese calendar months are based on the Moon’s cycles but the years are based on the Sun’s cycles).
But even that has its own issues.
You see, there are other lunar calendars in the world that start the year on a different day to the Chinese calendar. The Islamic New Year, the Burmese New year and many many other new years are also technically lunar new years.
That’s too fast what your doing
Would love to have vigan Chinese food for Chinese New Year .
yes i want
Watcher (Media)
if you are making chinese food on this day then its chinese new year not lunar new year.
Who wants to invite me to their house for Chinese New Years?!
Yeah tasty kitchen but for what about Muslim u all forgot I know u can fine best u make best
很惊喜啊,大家春节快乐🎉 中国北方真的啥节都在做饺子🥟哈哈
Oh my god the fish is looking at me!
I love dumpling but i can't wrap it
I don’t get to celebrate Lunar New Year because freaking school
That's how u peel ginger! I've even seen so many pro chefs cutting it a wasting so much.
*jing yu
Btw, dumplings may be the must food on lunar new year eve ( night )- > the Chinese from/in the northern regions in China / Shanghai , but definitely not for the southern Chinese
Btw, dumplings may be the must food on new eve night – > the Chinese from/in the northern regions in China / Shanghai , but not as for the southern Chinese
the first narrator sounds like a female snape
it's Zheng Yu(steam fish) not Jing Yu(that's gold fish in mandarin…) y'all might wanna consider correcting it or I'm more than happy to come help with Chinese any time y'all need it~
yidi seemed so tired and bored mood
I love tasty, you guys are amazing 😉
On this day, you cook with chopsticks, you eat with chopsticks, you breathe chopsticks…
Where is Rie?
Im sorry i cant take yidi seriously she sounds so much like miranda sings jsbcksnxm
No one is talking about the fish 😕
wish Tasty would do a thorough research on truly special authentic CNY foods that are only eaten during these 15 days, instead of just ordinary every day chinese dishes
I love jiaozi!! It's very tasty when you dip it in a sauce made out of soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic, and green onions
Nasal broken voice! triggered!
Where are the other two dishes in the thumbnail? 🙁
That red snapper freaked me out…
Nobody has time for this! Yet another impractical recipe from Tasty.
Why is this woman's voice so.. Bored and dull
A bit late now innit
Can any Vietnamesse at Buzzfeed make an episode on Banh Chung?
The first girl sound so depressed no hate btw
Wow somebody missed the mark. Lunar New Year was a couple days ago?